

NativeExpress uses i18n-js (opens in a new tab) for internationalization and expo-localization (opens in a new tab) for accessing the user's locale settings.


Create translation files

Translation files are located under src/i18n/. Each language has its own JSON file (e.g., en.json, fr.json).

Example en.json:

  "common": {
    "welcome": "Welcome",
    "login": "Login",
    "signup": "Sign Up"

To add support for a new language:

  1. Create a new JSON file (e.g., fr.json) in the src/i18n directory
  2. Import the file in index.ts
  3. Add it to the localesMap object under src/i18n/index.ts

Using translations

Use the useTranslation hook to access translations in your components:

import { useTranslation } from '@/hooks/useTranslation';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();
  return (
      <Button title={t('common.login')} />

RTL Support

Right-to-Left (RTL) languages like Arabic and Hebrew are supported with the NativeExpress Setup. Here is how to enable & use it:

Enable RTL support

In your app.config.js, enable RTL support:

export default {
  expo: {
    // ... other config
    extra: {
      supportsRTL: true

Rebuild your app

After enabling RTL support, rebuild your app:

npx expo prebuild && npx expo run:ios

Use RTL-aware styles

NativeExpress uses Tailwind CSS with RTL support. Use the RTL prefix for RTL-aware styles:

<View className="RTL:flex-row-reverse flex-row">
  <Text className="RTL:text-right">Hello World</Text>

For more information about internationalization in Expo, refer to the official documentation (opens in a new tab).

Best Practices

  1. Use Translation Keys: Always use descriptive keys in your translation files to make maintenance easier.

      "auth": {
        "login": {
          "title": "Welcome Back",
          "button": "Sign In"
  2. Handle Missing Translations: Set fallback options for missing translations:

    import { I18n } from 'i18n-js';
    const i18n = new I18n();
    i18n.enableFallback = true;
  3. Dynamic Values: Use placeholders for dynamic content:

      "greeting": "Hello, {{name}}!"
    t('greeting', { name: 'John' })
  4. RTL Considerations: When designing layouts, always consider how they will appear in RTL languages:

    • Use start and end instead of left and right in flexbox layouts
    • Use the RTL prefix for Tailwind classes that need to change direction
    • Test your app thoroughly in both LTR and RTL modes