Database Client

Database Client Documentation

This document outlines the setup and usage of our database client, which utilizes Supabase (opens in a new tab) for database operations and React Query (opens in a new tab) for state management.

Technologies Used

  1. Supabase Client (opens in a new tab): Used to connect to the Supabase database and perform CRUD operations.
  2. React Query (opens in a new tab): Employed for efficient state management and data fetching.

Project Structure

The database client implementation is organized into three main directories:

  1. src/lib/db/models: Contains files defining database models.
  2. src/lib/db/repository: Contains files defining database operations.
  3. src/hooks/<feature>: Houses files that create React Query hooks for data fetching.

Database Operations

Database operations are defined in the src/lib/db/repository directory. Each file in this directory corresponds to a specific data entity or table.

Example: Product Operations

File: src/lib/db/repository/product.ts

import { supabase } from '@/lib/supabase';
export const getProducts = () => {
  return supabase.from('data').select(`
    data_categories (
      categories (name)

This example demonstrates a read operation to fetch products from the 'data' table, including related category information.

React Query Hooks

React Query hooks are created in the src/hooks/product directory. These hooks utilize the database operations defined in the repository files.

Example: Product Hook

File: src/hooks/product/useProducts.ts

import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { getProducts } from '@/repository/product';
export const useProducts = () => {
  return useQuery({
    queryKey: ['products'],
    queryFn: async () => await getProducts(),

This hook uses React Query to manage the state of product data fetching.


To use the database client in your components:

  1. Import the appropriate hook from the hooks directory.
  2. Use the hook in your component to fetch and manage data.


import React from 'react';
import { useProducts } from '@/services/product';
const ProductList = () => {
  const { data, isLoading, error } = useProducts();
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>An error occurred: {error.message}</div>;
  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>{}</li>
export default ProductList;